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    red card">
  • L多诺万(4分钟60分钟第65分钟
  • 布拉德利(11分钟
  • J·琼斯(第70分钟


    red card">
  • G卡梅隆(15分钟自己的目标


图片: 多诺万:在战胜苏格兰的比赛中上演帽子戏法


    兰登·多诺万上演帽子戏法,迈克尔·布拉德利和杰梅因·琼斯各进一球,杰夫·卡梅伦的乌龙球并没有缓解苏格兰人的耻辱之夜。东道主在国际足联世界排名上比苏格兰高19位,但两国之间的差距似乎要大得多。结果证明,对于在佛罗里达州举行的一场友谊赛创下历史纪录的44,438名球迷来说,这是一个足够的回报。莱维因在EverBank球场的比赛中任命了一支进攻型的球队,由前锋肯尼·米勒率领。布莱克浦边锋马特·菲利普斯完成了国家队首秀,维冈队的肖恩·马洛尼自2010年11月以来首次代表国家队出场。防守端,安迪·韦伯斯特在2010年3月莱维因执教的第一场比赛战胜捷克后首次出场。开球时间推迟了20多分钟,但在开球后,东道主只用了3分钟就将比分拉开。多诺万——这是他第139次出场——利用菲尔·巴德斯利松懈的防守,在6码外的禁区内,他的射门被艾伦·麦格雷戈挡出。美国人继续施加压力,在比赛还剩11分钟时,他们再次庆祝,琼斯发现布拉德利有足够的空间,他在30码外打出一记势不可挡的射门,门将毫无机会。然而,苏格兰人在4分钟后扳回一球,将比赛拖入了正轨。 Phillips found Bardsley and he picked out Miller with a long cross to the back post and the Cardiff forward's header was bundled into his own net by Cameron. The United States still looked dangerous and Jose Torres clipped the crossbar with a free-kick from just outside the box. The first booking of the match came after 29 minutes when United States skipper and Rangers defender Carlos Bocanegra was cautioned for a challenge on Old Firm rival Scott Brown. The Celtic midfielder was then the victim of a crunching challenge by Jones, who escaped a booking from the referee. The USA were hungry for more goals and were denied by the woodwork four minutes after the restart when Donovan's effort crashed off the post. Terrence Boyd pounced on the rebound but dragged his shot wide of target. Scotland made their first change after 50 minutes when Barry Bannan was withdrawn to make way for Don Cowie. Russell Martin and Steven Whittaker were then both thrown into the action but hopes of salvaging the match were dealt a blow when the home side claimed their third on the hour mark. Jones was the provider again, this time supplying the pass from the right for Donovan to coolly slot past McGregor from 10 yards. There was worse to come for Scotland when Donovan grabbed his hat-trick five minutes later with an effort that came off the inside of the post and into the back of the net, beyond the grasp of McGregor. Donovan then turned provider with a lovely cross for Jones to bullet a header past the Scotland goalkeeper and make it 5-1 with 20 minutes to go. With no way back for Scotland, the home side withdrew goalkeeper Tim Howard from the action, with the gloves going to Brad Guzan for the remainder of the match.

