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    red card">
  • B Assou-Ekotto (第74分钟


    red card">
  • 莫礼逊(第91分钟


图片: 范德法特:与雅各布的冲突



    詹姆斯·莫里森在伤停补时阶段扳平比分,帮助西布朗1-1战平,也破坏了博阿斯执教热刺的首个主场比赛。热刺在两场比赛中都浪费了很多机会,但在比赛还剩16分钟时,白鹿巷的紧张气氛有所缓和,阿苏-埃库托一记偏转的半程抽射破门,主队领先。西布朗在下半场引进了罗梅卢·卢卡库作为替补后恢复了活力,他们继续努力拼搏,东道主的防线在第91分钟崩溃,莫里森带球破门,为松松垮垮的球队偷走了一分。博阿斯本可以用一场胜利来纪念他的白鹿巷之行,但他并没有这么做。尽管桑德罗、贝尔和维尔通亨都有令人鼓舞的表现,但这支伦敦球队在上赛季雷德克纳普治下的大部分时间里都没有表现得那么流畅。维尔通亨认为他在第94分钟打进制胜球,标志着他的处子秀,但却被判为越位。博阿斯和他的三名新援在开球前获得了热烈的掌声,葡萄牙人看起来决心要为他们的新老板完成任务。贝尔是早期冲击的缔造者。这名边锋的位置比他在雷德克纳普时期的位置更大,他从左路切入,一脚射门偏出。威尔士人随后在禁区内找到了桑德罗,但巴西人在射门前被压倒在地。贝尔在角落绕过他的盯防球员,将一记低射球送出禁区,但利亚姆·里奇维尔近距离阻止了亚伦·列侬的射门。 Lennon did get on the end of a Bale cross soon after but the England winger miscued a volley. Rafael van der Vaart was the next Spurs player to go close, steering a curled shot just wide after Lennon cut the ball back to the Dutchman. Tottenham's dominance on the game started to wane, leaving Villas-Boas to cut the look of a worried figure on the edge of his technical area. West Brom still lacked a cutting edge going forward, however, with Vertonghen snuffing out any threat from the visitors. The Belgian had a chance to mark his Spurs debut with a goal after playing a clever one-two with Bale but he rifled a volley well over. Steven Reid fashioned West Brom's only chance of the first half - a curling free-kick that easily cleared Brad Friedel's bar, and Ben Foster was called in to action for the first time in the 46th minute when he saved a weak shot from Defoe. Tottenham continued to dominate in the second period but still could not find the net. Van der Vaart picked out Bale with a peach of a cross-field pass but the Welshman volleyed well over. Foster then pulled off a terrific diving save to deny Assou-Ekotto from a 20-yard free-kick. Defoe then spurned a great chance to put Spurs ahead when he latched on to Jake Livermore's pass but his effort went wide. Villas-Boas turned to Emmanuel Adebayor for inspiration, the Togo marksman coming on for Van der Vaart just after the hour. Villas-Boas thought the £5million striker had won him a penalty when he tussled with Gareth McAuley but Mike Dean waved play on. Spurs thought they had finally broken the deadlock after 64 minutes when Defoe smashed home an Assou-Ekotto cross, but the linesman ruled the England striker had strayed offside. Lukaku came on for West Brom and almost made an immediate impact, shrugging off Vertonghen before drawing a good save from Friedel. Lukaku's presence was causing Spurs all kinds of problems, but the mood inside White Hart Lane lifted in the 74th minute when the hosts took the lead. Gylfi Sigurdsson's corner was cleared in to the path of Assou-Ekotto and he smashed home a half-volley courtesy of a big deflection off McAuley. Lukaku took advantage of some lackadaisical defending to gain some space just outside the Spurs box but Vertonghen came to the rescue with an outstanding sliding tackle. West Brom piled on the pressure through Marc-Antoine Fortune and Lukaku towards the death. McAuley came agonisingly close to scoring in the final minute when he sent over a looping header that was cleared off the line by Assou-Ekotto. Then 30 seconds in to injury-time West Brom equalised when Morrison swept home from close range shortly after William Gallas had cleared off the line. Vertonghen thought he had won the game with almost the last kick when he volleyed home but his effort was disallowed.
    托特纳姆热刺 团队的统计数据 西布罗姆维奇
    1 目标 1
    0 上半场进球 0
    7 射准目标 6
    9 射偏 4
    5 盖帽 3.
    7 角落 5
    9 犯规 6
    2 场对阵 3.
    1 张黄牌 2
    0 红牌 0
    85.1 通过成功 77.5
    21 解决 17
    81 解决成功 76.5
    59.1 占有 40.9
    51.8 领土的优势 48.2
    475 总过 334
    23 总过 13
    129 输了球 145
    50 复苏 46
    64.9 前半Poss。 35.1
    49.8 下半场Poss。 50.2

