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    red card">
  • 耶拉维奇(19分钟
  • 奈史密斯(52分钟


    red card">
  • 罗伯逊(45分钟
  • 罗素(第77分钟
  • D古德威利(第89分钟


图片: 古德威利:在Ibrox打致胜球


    由于周六早些时候凯尔特人的比赛被推迟,苏格兰冠军的胜利将使他们超越竞争对手登顶。但是流浪者队两次被扳回一城,尼克卡·耶拉维奇和史蒂文·奈史密斯的进球被大卫·罗伯逊和约翰尼·拉塞尔抵消,直到大卫·古德威利在最后时刻取得制胜球。流浪者队被迫做出了一些改变,从他们的合作保险杯冠军球队做客曼联。守门员艾伦·麦格雷戈在帮助球队在汉普顿夺得本赛季第一个奖杯后,尼尔·亚历山大坐在替补席上。理查德-福斯特和埃尔-哈吉-迪乌夫也在伊布罗克斯首发,但加上马吉德-博格拉、凯尔-拉弗蒂和弗拉基米尔-韦斯等人的受伤,沃尔特-史密斯的选材问题凸显出来,他只能说出5名替补球员。曼联也从周中苏格兰杯的失利中做出了改变,莫加罗·戈米斯,巴里·道格拉斯和拉塞尔都入选了球队。随着苏格兰大亨怀特对流浪者队(Rangers)旷日持久的收购接近尾声,人群中的一条横幅上写着:“怀特先生,站出来支付吧!”但是球员们热衷于把注意力集中在公园球场的生意上,他们试图在积分榜上占据榜首,他们很享受早期的控球。迪乌夫左路传中找到禁区内的耶拉维奇,克罗地亚前锋试图顶过门将杜桑·佩尔尼斯,但头球弹偏了。然而,耶拉维奇射正,游骑兵队在比赛进行到19分钟时取得领先。 He won a free-kick just outside the area before connecting with Diouf's ball into the box to send a firm header into the back of the net from 10 yards. United had tried their luck with a couple of pot shots from outside the box that had failed to trouble McGregor. But they were back on level terms a minute from half-time when David Robertson raced onto Danny Swanson's pass and slotted home. Rangers knew they needed a positive reaction in the second half and they managed to restore their lead eight minutes after the restart. Diouf's corner broke for Maurice Edu and he nodded on for Naismith to rifle past the helpless Pernis high into the back of the net. United must have thought they had levelled again when Swanson fired through the legs of McGregor from a tight angle only for the ball to trundle across the face of the empty goal before the danger was eventually cleared. At the other end, another corner from Diouf fell for Naismith but, this time, he blasted well over, squandering the chance to double his tally. United refused to give up and had the net bulging again after 78 minutes, with Paul Dixon setting up Russell for a header that left McGregor with no chance. The Rangers goalkeeper was then called into action to tip a Goodwillie effort onto the bar as the visitors attempted to go for the win. With time fast running out, Jelavic threw himself in front of Gregg Wylde's cross only to see his header blocked, before Steven Whittaker saw his header come off the bar. Instead, it was United who snatched all three points as Goodwillie immediately raced up the other end of the park and fired home the winner with a minute to go.

