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图片: 萨马拉斯:Edu追踪


    麦格雷戈扑救了丹尼尔·马杰斯托洛维奇、查理·马尔格鲁和埃米利奥·伊扎吉雷,凯尔特人替补安东尼·斯托克斯在最后10分钟内为加里·胡珀赢得了点球。在少赛一场的情况下,这位苏格兰头号门将扑向左边,扑出了希腊国脚的一记射门,帮助排名第二的凯尔特人落后一分。这场比赛是在加强安保的背景下进行的,因为最近列侬收到了一个包裹炸弹。然而,尽管人们呼吁保持冷静,但在开球时,伊布罗克斯球场内仍然响起了震耳欲聋的喧闹声。凯尔特人在第7分钟获得点球,当时乔·莱德利在禁区内与伊布罗克斯队的边后卫史蒂文·惠特克发生冲突,但主裁判克雷格·汤姆森对此无动于衷,就像列侬一样,他沮丧地转向主看台做手势。片刻之后,轻蓝前锋凯尔·拉弗蒂差点接到北爱尔兰国脚史蒂文·戴维斯的传球,而凯尔特人门将弗雷泽·福斯特和查理·马尔格鲁几乎陷入了一场混战。然后,流浪者队状态良好的前锋尼基卡·耶拉维奇用胸部传球给他,莫里斯·埃杜在禁区边缘的射门被打偏,角球,这导致了凯尔特人的压力。比赛进行到第18分钟时,布鲁姆伦路看台上的客场球迷又一次精心安排了对列侬的支持,同时流浪者队继续为揭幕战施加压力。萨马拉斯在主队禁区内将流浪者队队长大卫·威尔推倒在地,这是在希腊国脚对麦格雷戈的挑战之后发生的口角,两名球员都吃到了黄牌。卫冕冠军获得了控球权,但在第26分钟,黄蜂队队长斯科特·布朗在25码外的左脚射门越过了麦格雷戈的左手立柱,紧接着史蒂文·奈史密斯在12码外的角度抽射没有击中球门。 By the time Celtic striker Hooper flashed a drive from the edge of the box high over the bar, the visitors had come back into the game. Two minutes into the second half, Weir headed over a Davis corner before a Naismith volley from the edge of the box was deflected for another corner which came to nothing. Rangers should have scored in the 51st minute when Gregg Wylde's cross from the left was met by Lafferty but the lanky striker somehow headed past the post from six yards. Seconds later, at the other end, Hoops midfielder Beram Kayal drove inches wide from 20 yards. Ledley had to come off in the 54th minute after being fouled by Naismith wide on the left and was replaced by Kris Commons. The Light Blues' defence struggled to clear their lines following the resulting free-kick and needed McGregor to make a great save from Majstorovic's close-range header to keep the game goalless. Kayal was booked in the 61st minute for fouling Jelavic 30 yards from goal as the Rangers striker broke with purpose after turning Majstorovic on the halfway line and Lafferty fired the free-kick wide. As the tension increased, Naismith had a left-footed effort from 20 yards which just sped wide before a Mulgrew header from Commons' corner forced another save from McGregor. In the 75th minute, the Rangers keeper made yet another great save, this time from Izaguirre's shot after the Hoops left-back combined well with Samaras inside the Light Blues' penalty area. There was great drama in the 81st minute when Celtic were awarded a contentious penalty when Celtic substitute Stokes clashed with Davis inside the Rangers penalty area. Samaras, who had scored a penalty in the 2-0 win at Ibrox at the start of the year, saw his spot kick brilliantly saved by McGregor who dived to his left to push the ball round the post. There was time for Stokes to be booked for diving having gone to ground in the box after going past Rangers substitute John Fleck.

