全职 加时赛之后 这是一场现场比赛。 额外的时间 一半的时间




    red card">
  • J Ness (3分钟
  • 惠特克(第41分钟笔)
  • 奈史密斯( 被罚下第76分钟


    red card">
  • K公地(16分钟
  • 弗·福斯特( 被罚下38分钟
  • 布朗先生(第65分钟


图片: 布朗(右):打入凯尔特人关键的扳平球


    这是47年来主队第一次在苏格兰杯中主场迎战凯尔特人队,但在这段时间里,这场著名的比赛很少能产生如此戏剧性的下午。轻蓝队的中场球员杰米·内斯在比赛进行到第三分钟时,禁区外的一记劲射为流浪者队打进了他的第一个进球。第15分钟,老公司的首秀克里斯·科姆斯扳平比分,随后史蒂文·惠特克在球队门将弗雷泽·福斯特在禁区内扳平史蒂文·奈史密斯被红牌罚下后重新夺回了蓝军的优势。凯尔特人队拒绝被击败,队长斯科特·布朗在第64分钟扳平比分,但在上半场因对马克·威尔逊犯规而吃到黄牌的奈史密斯在客队禁区内因模拟犯规被红牌罚下。当终场哨声响起时,凯尔特人球迷和主教练尼尔·列侬庆祝了比赛的结果,在比赛的大部分时间里,他们都占据了主导地位,他们将在主场重赛中获得机会。列侬拒绝召回复出的前锋乔治斯·萨马拉斯——他在一月份2-0战胜伊布罗克斯的比赛中梅开二度——但令人惊讶的是,他将状态良好的加里·胡珀和安东尼·斯托克斯分开,让前者担任单前锋的角色。刚从韩国队亚洲杯任务中回来的中场球员基成元被带回,列侬通过召回丹尼尔·马伊斯托洛维奇巩固了他的后防中心。流浪者队的新签约球员迪乌夫(El-Hadji Diouf)备受关注。2003年,迪乌夫在为利物浦效力时,曾因在帕克黑德球场向一名凯尔特人球迷吐痰而被处以臭名昭著的罚款并被禁赛。正是他的参与使得内斯的揭幕战旋风式的开始。迪乌夫右路开出的角球被解围到禁区边缘,这位年轻的中场球员在25码外的一脚射门穿过一群人,越过福斯特。 Moments later Light Blues' striker Nikica Jelavic, another Old Firm debutant, made his way down the left to the byline before cutting the ball back to Steven Davis who rattled the bar with a thunderous drive. Celtic's response was swift, impressive and long-lasting and in the 15th minute, soon after Wilson headed over from a Ki corner, they were level. A break of the ball at the edge of the Rangers box allowed Joe Ledley to take possession and his cut-back found Commons, who side-footed it past Allan McGregor from 12 yards. The Parkhead side took control and a fine move in the 23rd minute involving Beram Kayal and Brown ended with Hooper dragging his shot from 16 yards wide of the far post. Rangers could hardly get out of their own half but in the 33rd minute Forster took a heavy touch from a Majstorovic backpass and struck his clearance against the onrushing Jelavic, the big keeper relieved to get back in time before the ball trickled over the line. Four minutes later, however, Forster compounded his error when he was red-carded by referee for upending Naismith, who had raced on to a fine Jelavic pass. Substitute keeper Lukasz Zaluska came on for Commons as Celtic re-jigged, and the first thing he had to do was pick Whittaker's spot-kick out of the net after he had been sent the wrong way. Despite being down to 10 men the visitors started the second half in possession and within minutes Ki had sent a shot from 30 yards past McGregor's left-hand post. Just after the hour mark Samaras replaced Kayal to give Hooper a helping hand and four minutes later they were again level, this time through Brown. After the tireless Emilio Izaguirre had again bombed down the left, his cross to the back post was gathered by Wilson who laid it off to the Scotland midfielder at the edge of the box and he sent a left-footed shot curling past McGregor and into the far corner. After the celebrations had subsided, Brown was booked for what appeared to be have been a provocative stance in front of Diouf after scoring. Moments later Jelavic broke free on the left and his low cross took out Zaluska but had too much pace on it for the sliding Davis. Still Celtic kept pressing and in the 73rd minute McGregor made a point-blank save from Samaras at the expense of a corner, which came to nothing. More drama was to come a minute later when Naismith, already on a yellow, was sent off for simulation after going to ground in the Celtic box after Charlie Mulgrew had challenged. Vladimir Weiss and Kyle Lafferty immediately replaced Jelavic and Diouf but the Hoops remained in control, pressing for the winner as Rangers seemed unable to get a foothold in the game. In the end it was the home side who were happy to hear the final whistle although it will be Celtic who will relish the replay at Parkhead.

