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  • 教育硕士(第67分钟


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  • 阿纳松(第63分钟


图片: 埃杜:为流浪者队扳平比分


    卡里·阿纳松在下半场首开纪录,4分钟后莫里斯·埃杜扳平比分,但双方都没有取得制胜的优势。这个结果并不足以让唐顿队结束在伊布罗克斯的20多年的等待,但他们会回到皮托德里,对这个结果感到更高兴。流浪者队在上周战胜圣约翰斯通的比赛中只做了一个改变,守门员艾伦·麦格雷戈从大腿受伤中恢复,重新获得了手套,这意味着尼尔·亚历山大回到了替补席上。唐顿队挑选了罗里·法伦和乔什·马格尼斯来代替安德鲁·康斯丁和穆罕默德·查拉利,而罗里·麦卡德尔通过了晚些时候的体能测试。流浪者队和西汉姆联的谈判对象,以及他和利物浦的新传闻,尼基卡·耶拉维奇在开场几分钟就有机会为球队首开纪录。主队在开场不久就获得角球机会,前唐斯边锋索内·阿鲁科将球打入禁区,但克罗地亚人的头球攻门偏出,球略过球门横梁。在另一端,莱恩·杰克将球插入马格尼斯的路径,但他温和的射门被麦格雷戈轻松地接住,进入流浪者队的球门。流浪者队迄今为止最好的机会是,耶拉维奇的头球被守门员杰森·布朗顶在横梁上,随后大卫·希利的一记惊雷般的射门越过球门,越过了门柱。阿鲁科随后在禁区内突破了唐顿队门将,但在阿鲁科近距离射门之前,麦卡德尔将球钩到了安全的地方,并为他的前队首开纪录。流浪者队在中场休息前继续向前推进寻找突破,埃杜为李·华莱士准备射门,但他的射门偏离了球门。 Former captain David Weir made a farewell appearance on the pitch at half-time and was presented with a commemorative gift from chairman Craig Whyte to mark his service to the club over the last five years. Once the second half was under way, Aluko threaded into the path of new skipper Steven Davis and he delivered a teasing ball into the box but a full stretch Jelavic could not find the target. A corner from Aluko then found Dorin Goian in the packed goalmouth but the big defender failed to keep his header down and the effort fell over the crossbar. The Dons had a great chance of their own when McGregor fumbled a corner and Carlos Bocanegra cleared off the line but the visitors were ahead after 63 minutes when Arnason met a Chris Clark ball and curled past the Rangers goalkeeper. The Scottish champions were back on level terms just four minutes later when the ball broke for Edu to rifle high into the top corner of the net. Rangers had received a massive lift from the equaliser and Edu could have grabbed his second of the day with less than 10 minutes to go. The American midfielder raced onto a great pass from Jelavic before producing a well-struck shot that whistled inches past the post. Kyle Bartley then bulleted a header over from a Gregg Wylde cross and Aluko forced a superb save from Brown but Rangers could not find the winner.

