全职 加时赛之后 这是一场现场比赛。 额外的时间 一半的时间


El Sadar出席18000年。


    red card">
  • 阿库纳(第94分钟


    red card">
  • Jairo (第27分钟
  • C巴卡(46分钟笔)


图片: 巴卡:为塞维利亚进球


    塞维利亚在周中戏剧性地战胜皇家贝蒂斯的基础上,在客场2-1击败奥萨苏纳。桑佩里奥在上半场中段以一粒漂亮的个人进球首开纪录,卡洛斯·巴卡在半场结束前点球点将领先优势扩大,这是一个极具争议的事件,奥萨苏纳教练哈维·格拉西亚因为抗议这个判罚而被罚下教练席。哈维尔·阿库纳在伤停补时阶段为奥萨苏纳打进一粒漂亮的进球,但这对纳瓦拉人来说只是一个安慰。这场胜利让塞维利亚积到47分,巩固了他们再次晋级欧战的资格,而奥萨苏纳积29分,仍然有降级的危险。塞维利亚主教练乌奈·埃梅里批评了在他的球员在点球大战中击败贝蒂斯60小时后才开始比赛的决定,但客队几乎没有表现出他们仍然能感受到他们的努力的影响,他们的比赛强度远远超过了奥萨苏纳。Jairo在第27分钟打破了僵局,他在右翼接球,切入禁区,绕过一名后卫,然后低射入近门柱的底角。法齐奥随后差点再进一球,他抢在奥萨苏纳门将费尔南德斯之前完成传中,头球略过横梁,打在了球网上方。比赛开始从奥萨苏纳的掌控中溜走,在上半场结束前的三分钟里,比赛开始失控。首先,达米亚·阿贝拉(Damia Abella)险些扳平比分,他在远门柱处凌空抽射偏出近门柱。塞维利亚随后发起了进攻,维托洛在右翼突破奥萨苏纳球员,然后向有空门可以瞄准的杰罗发起进攻。 However, the winger inexplicably struck the crossbar, holding his head in his hands in despair at the miss. His blushes were saved when the referee gave a penalty a couple of seconds later, Damia falling to the floor after clashing with Vitolo, his hands landing on the ball as he hit the ground. Osasuna insisted Vitolo had fouled Damia, but the decision stood, and Bacca sent Andres Fernandez the wrong way to score. Sevilla goalkeeper Beto was substituted at half-time and replaced by Javi Vargas, whose first task was to prevent Bacca from scoring an own goal, tipping a header from the Colombian over the bar following an Osasuna free-kick. Bacca then had three chances to score at the correct end in the space of four minutes, but squandered them all, first sending the ball over the bar, then hitting the outside of the post, and then denied by Fernandez. Osasuna were unable to create many chances of note until Acuna dribbled from the corner flag into the box and past three defenders to blast into the net, but the goal, coming in the 94th minute, had arrived too late to impact on the result.

