全职 在额外的时间 这是一场现场比赛。 额外的时间 一半的时间


圣西罗(Giuseppe Meazza)出席80000年。


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  • P克劳奇(第80分钟)


图片: 克劳奇:至关重要的冠军

热刺在圣西罗1-0意外战胜AC米兰,离欧冠1 / 8决赛又近了一步。


    周二晚上,热刺在圣西罗1-0击败AC米兰,向着欧冠1 / 8决赛又迈进了一步。在一场戏剧性的遭遇中全面淘汰意甲豪门之后,雷德克纳普的球队将充满信心地进入16强第二回合在白鹿巷的交锋。热刺在小组赛阶段就已经给红黑军团的死敌国米制造了麻烦,意大利的小雨之夜也没能浇灭他们的斗志,下半场后半段克劳奇破门绝杀。开局缓慢的下半场,热刺看起来要好得多,热刺门将戈梅斯几乎没有捣乱,客队给意大利人施加了压力。下半场替补登场的巴西王牌帕托让米兰提升了状态,但最终还是热刺打破了僵局。亚伦·列侬是这粒进球背后的天才,他以一记劲爆的跑动破门,绕过米兰后卫马里奥·耶佩斯,在禁区内给克劳奇传球,克劳奇在比赛结束前10分钟毫不失误地完成了一记完美的破门。


    这场胜利对热刺来说是一个巨大的鼓舞,下个月他们将在伦敦北部主场迎战红黑军团,他们将试图模仿他们在球队中居高临下的表现。这场比赛完全不像去年11月那场4-3输给国米的激动人心的比赛,也不像逆转比赛中热刺3-1取胜的比赛,但雷德克纳普丝毫不会在意。在弗拉米尼最后时刻对科尔卢卡的可怕猛扑和加图索的一些令人震惊的行为之后,主队幸运地以10人的情况结束了比赛,加图索似乎在终场哨响后用头撞了热刺助理教练乔·乔丹。但克劳奇的进球——这是他本赛季欧战8场的第6粒进球——意味着热刺在下个月的次回合比赛中取得了领先。4个月前,由于贝尔的帽子戏法,雷德克纳普眼看着球队在对阵国米的下半场几乎完成了一场了不起的逆转。在周二的比赛中,威尔士人因为背部受伤未能恢复而缺席了比赛。在热刺的首发11人中,曾经出色代替贝尔的尼克·克拉尼卡尔出人意料地缺席了,皮纳尔顶替了贝尔在左路的老位置。莫德里奇未能及时从阑尾伤势中恢复过来,被列入替补名单。米兰队中出现了两位熟悉的对手——前阿森纳中场弗拉米尼和前曼城前锋罗比尼奥。尽管在10月看到自己的球队在这里被国米摧垮,雷德克纳普还是敦促球队坚持自己的进攻原则,把一切都扔给意大利人。 Crouch proved to be the visitors' most potent weapon in the opening exchanges, causing Christian Abbiati to come and punch away a dangerous low cross. Abbiati picked up a head injury when challenging the tall marksman for the ball and had to be replaced by substitute goalkeeper Marco Amelia. Milan sounded Spurs a warning with their first real chance 20 minutes in, Robinho bursting down the right and crossing to Zlatan Ibrahimovic but William Gallas jumped in with a decisive clearance. Milan thought they should have had a penalty 23 minutes in when Sandro clattered into Ibrahimovic but referee Stephane Lannoy waved the protests away. Michael Dawson went clattering into Ibrahimovic with a raised arm in the box. The Swede went down clutching his head but soon returned to his feet after seeing his penalty appeal turned down. Flamini was lucky not to be booked for a late sliding challenge on Rafael van der Vaart. Aaron Lennon turned Luca Antonini inside the box but he sent over a high cross that even Crouch could not get on the end of. Van der Vaart gained a yard and fired a blistering shot that Amelia tipped over with a brilliant save. Crouch received a bruising kick to the ribs from Alessandro Nesta's follow-through towards the end of the half. The second half began with a period of intense Milan pressure. Heurelho Gomes pulled off a superb flying one-handed save to deny Yepes, who rose well to meet Gattuso's cross. The game took an ugly turn 55 minutes in when Flamini flew in with a diving two-footed tackle on Corluka which sent the full-black flying into the air. To the Spurs' players anger, the midfielder only saw yellow. Corluka had to be stretchered off and replaced by Jonathan Woodgate, who came on for his first appearance since November 2009. Tempers frayed moments later when Pienaar clattered into Gattuso. Spurs assistant Jordan was furious with the referee's decision to give a foul and squared up to the midfielder on the touchline. Both men pushed each other before Redknapp stepped in and they both walked away. Play eventually resumed after both sets of players remonstrated with each other. Yepes drew another point-blank save from Gomes with a six-yard header but the centre-half showed his petulant side by needlessly barging into the Brazilian when he went to throw the ball out seconds later. Van der Vaart, clearly struggling with his calf injury, was replaced by Modric on the hour. The ugliness continued, Crouch the latest person to clash with Gattuso when he went for a header. The Milan captain was then finally booked for a late tackle on Pienaar. Milan pushed for an opener but they were shocked when Crouch broke the deadlock with 10 minutes left.

    米兰 团队的统计数据 托特纳姆热刺
    0 目标 1
    0 第一一半的目标 0
    3. 次射门 6
    5 拍摄的目标 2
    4 盖帽 1
    9 角落 5
    11 犯规 17
    4 场对阵 2
    3. 张黄牌 0
    0 红牌 0
    82.7 通过成功 79.3
    21 解决 20.
    81 解决成功 80
    56.5 占有 43.5
    47.5 领土的优势 52.5

